Dog with Ball PrayerScott ToalDecember 24, 2017purpose, joy, life, goodworks, GodMovesMountainsComment
I want to die LifeScott ToalNovember 16, 2017knowing, allknowing, yourtime, happiness, sadness, sacrificeprizeComment
You First EncountersScott ToalNovember 9, 2017youfirst, God, Samuel, sacrifice, love, lovingfatherComment
He Was Not EncountersScott ToalOctober 19, 2017faithful, enoch, believer, lifetime, praise, trust, discipleComment
I want it FreedomScott ToalOctober 15, 2017temptation, overcoming, james, faithful, remain, courage, strengthComment
Hardness Leading to Darkness SinScott ToalOctober 12, 2017darkness, hardheart, heart, softheart, soften, faithfulComment
EPHESIANS 5 - BE LIKE GOD CallingScott ToalOctober 3, 2017imitate, love, imitatelove, God, lovingfatherComment
How Beautiful You Are PraisesScott ToalSeptember 21, 2017beautiful, thankful, God, reigning, King, kingdomComment
What Sin? SinScott ToalSeptember 14, 2017sin, devotional, Lord, mondaydevotion, inspirationalblog, SpiritComment
I never knew your God. GraceScott ToalAugust 10, 2017love, God, Jesus, allknowing, sacrifice, cross, grace, acceptsComment
Why No God? AmenScott ToalJuly 24, 2017God, exist, faith, believe, faithful, understandingfaithComment