And the reigning king is __________?  How would you fill in the blank?

In Romans we are instructed by the Word of God to NOT let sin reign in our mortal bodies.  Reign is an interesting word.  To reign is when one occupies a position of absolute power, as in a monarch who has royal authority and prosecution of his judgement at will.  This can be symbolized by a monarch with unquestioning loyalty from the subservient masses ruled over.  To reign is to truly rule.  So from this context we understand that the writer of Romans instructs us to not let sin reign over us with unquestioned rule.  It goes on to say that we should not bring tribute of our bodies as offerings to sin.  

But instead we are encouraged to offer ourselves fully unto God and offer the tribute of our bodies to Him in righteousness.  For the reigning king has lost its crown and no longer holds rule over us.  Through grace our subservience to sin created by the law has been abolished and we are no longer under its rule.  We now are free in Jesus Christ who fulfilled the law and transformed rule by the sinful nature into adoption by the benevolent Father God in heaven.

Romans 6:12-14