Dog with Ball

Here he comes holding his ball.  Ball in mouth, ball in mouth, incessantly - ball in mouth.  Our 130 pound German Shepherd is one ferocious looking beast.  His haunches are strong and tense - appearing ready for battle at any time. A mouth full of large teeth made for tearing meat from bone.  When our dog is alerted to danger the hair on his back stands so straight, it looks like you could cut your hand on its spikes.  

And the bark, Oh Lord, what a bark!  Anyone approaching our home hears the hounds of hell unleashed to wreak destruction and terror.  

But our dog, this machine of guardianship, has a ball.  Wherever that dog goes, so does that ball.  Ball in mouth, ball in mouth.  Our german shepherd was not created to be a ball fetcher.  Sure it is something that he is good at.  In fact, he may be the best ball catcher in the dog world.  But this veritable portrait of living intimidation is not called to run after little round balls all day long.  He was made to do more than that.  

As Christians, sometimes we experience God as if we are a dog with a ball.  I don’t think that God is upset playing fetch on occasion, but all the time?  We were made for more than that.  God put us here to do something, to be something, to accomplish something.  The knowledge that we have of His saving grace was not intended to be our own personal secrets.  God has invested His own power and even His own Spirit in us.  Yet, many times in my life I find myself carrying back to God that same old thing that I always carry around, desiring that He throw it out a ways so that I can chase after it.  

The next time you feel like bringing your little round ball to God - don’t.  Then see what happens.