Why No God?

"I say this in order that no one may delude (deceive) you with plausible (persuasive) arguments."

So what is the argument?  Is it plausible that there is no God? Of course.  It is entirely possible to think there is no God.  It would take ignoring all aspects of natural design and overlooking the created systems that sustain life, but a person could think that God does not exist.

The better question may be “Why would one think there is no God?

Some people may consider it more enlightened and socially conscientious to think there is no God since man’s thoughts on God are the root of much conflict and distress on the earth.  But does not this stance make man the root of conflict on the earth?  Whether through ignorance or purposeful thought, man’s belief in God requires man but does not require God.

For example, some people believe in aliens (the other world kind).  The aliens are not required to do anything to support the belief in their existence.  If anything bad happens because of this belief will we blame the aliens?  Of course not.

Back to the question, why would a person think there is no God?  The answer is relatively simple.  It is found in today’s verse.  Paul understood and so should we.  Those who insist there is no God are deluded.  They have been persuaded by deceptive eloquence to believe a falsehood.  In his writings Paul expresses a concern for people who would be caught up in a delusion.  He understood that people will follow a falsehood based on persuasive speech.  People can turn their backs on what is true and evidenced by everything around them simply because some “smart” guy talks a good line.

However, the truth is that God does not rely on human thoughts for His existence.  He does not require us to exist.  God = I Am.  Note that the things missing from that equation are you and me - humans.  God is, regardless of you and me.

‘I Am’ does not rely on thoughts of others to exist.  The thoughts of man delude the truth that should be set in stone in our minds and hearts - for our sake, not for God.  God exists, period.  There is no argument.

Colossians 2:4