Desiring Righteousness
GraceScott Toalrighteousness, salvation, moral, Jesus, Romans, Seek, life, eternity, love, david, psalm, source
God Knows - But Does He Care
SeriesScott ToalGod, care, world, mess, illness, cancer, atrocities, evil, man, human, sin, love, Jesus, sacrifice, savior, justice, destroy, destruction, rape, murder, punishment, earth, creation, know, act, earthquake, holocaust, children, suicide
Won't Do That Again
EncountersScott Toalfail, Jesus, Pharisees, Sadducees, law, God, Commandment, answer, wrong, Matthew, Gospel, Bible, lawyer, love, greatest, discredit, David, Messiah, question
I’m Saved :-\
You First
I never knew your God.
Wandered Away
The Gift of Today
PraisesScott Toaltoday, God, WordofGod, Scripture, Jesus, Gift, love, praise, devotional, father, life
The Hills
SalvationScott Toaldevotion, betterblessings, Christ, Christian, love, Hills, Psalms, David, Jesus, inspiration, inspirationalblog