I want it

I want it

The book of James leaves no room for question on the matter of where temptation has its inception.  James explains in his letter that “God cannot be tempted with evil”.  James follows this truth by declaring that man is not tempted by God.  According to the book of James the origin of temptation is found in “each person”.  Specifically, James states, “each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.” (vs 14)

It is clear that every person is tempted.  Understanding from where that temptation comes is a critical step in either preventing the sin that is birthed from our temptation or, better yet, stopping the temptation from happening in the first place.  Why are we tempted?  Some would say that temptation is a means of testing a person’s allegiance to a holy God.  Those people would be wrong.  Some say temptation is a tool created by the Devil to trick man into disobeying God.  Certainly Satan uses temptation for the purpose of leading man into sin with the ultimate goal of separating God from His creation, but to focus exclusively on Satan’s actions is to overlook the most significant reason why we are tempted.  

I suggest that the preponderance of temptation is experienced because humans desire it.  We want to be tempted.  Plain and simple.  Consider this: the great flood occurred because of the “continually” evil intention of thoughts held in man’s heart (Genesis 6:5).  Some people may find this a bit hard to swallow, but not much has changed in the human heart.  In fact, the most significant changes that have occurred in the condition of man since Noah floated in the Ark are 1) God’s statement that He would “never again curse the ground because of man” and 2) the immense and ever growing Grace that was poured out on man through the sacrifice made by the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  Because of God’s commitment to His Word and because of Jesus’ love for us, now we have a flood of Grace instead of a flood of water.  

All that points to the fact that man’s heart has not had a major upgrade since Noah, and our thoughts are pretty much just as debase as our forerunners.  Understanding this fact can help us win the battle over temptation.  If we understand that we are the conduit of our own temptation then we can address it more effectively and possibly subdue it.  If temptation is always some master plan conducted by Satan and all his minions, the fight becomes overwhelming.  But, as far as the frequency of temptation is concerned, Satan is a minor player.  I am more often the culprit in my own temptation, and that being the case, I only have 1 person to overcome - myself.  

I am in no way intending to trivialize temptation. Temptation is a major problem facing fallen man.  It is the catalyst of separation between God and humans.  It is the root of failure in every Christian and has been successful in causing the destruction of souls throughout man’s existence.  I do not suggest that dealing with temptation is easy.  But I will suggest that dealing with temptation must first begin with the greatest source of temptation in your life - that would be yourself.  Once you focus your attention where it belongs, your efforts become exponentially more effective.  

Take note of this though, it is vital to understand that you will not defeat temptation in your own power.  Remember what the book of Genesis said: “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was ONLY evil continually.”  To expound upon the point previously made, when left to their own course, our hearts will lead us to only evil all the time.  But praise God for His infinite love and wisdom.  His plan made room for a renewed heart and the power to overcome that which we, in our power, could never overcome - temptation and sin.  Christians are built to overcome that which man has fought against since Adam and Eve sinned.  Not of themselves, but in Jesus Christ, Christians have the power to stop temptation before it begins and to prevent temptation from leading to sin in their lives.  

So focus on the origin of temptation.  Using the power which comes from a life submitted to Jesus Christ and acknowledging His Lordship, stand firm against even the thoughts that would lead to temptation and end it before it begins.  Through daily reading of the Word of God, strengthen your knowledge in Christ and renew your mind and heart.  Let’s be stalwart in our stand for purity, rejecting immorality and putting down thoughts that lead us away from God’s purpose in our lives.  Call on the mercies of God everyday in prayer and thank Him for the ever present help He gives.  Remain in the Lord as He remains in you.  In this way - Victory is ours!  Temptation ends and sin never begins.  

James 1:13-14