The Dream of the King
ProphecyScott Toalprophecy, end times, revelation, dreaming, vision, exile, counsel, magic, Jesus, prophet, last day, astrology
The Cain Proverb
Drinking for God
Not Done in a Corner
Problem Tenants
Looking Straight At You
RedemptionScott Toaldenial, denied, Peter, Jesus, accused, judge, Pray, Fail, Failure, look, see, intercede
Jesus Will Be Jesus
MiraclesScott ToalJesus, Healing, miracle, leper, leperous, leprosy, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Peter, Gospel, Judge
John Consented
GraceScott Toalconsent, John, Baptist, baptism, Heaven, dove, holy, spirit, worthy, unworthy, Jesus
Let's Eat
If It Is You
MiraclesScott Toalstretch, strength, Peter, walk, water, sink, Jesus, Matthew, boat, galilee
Desiring Righteousness
GraceScott Toalrighteousness, salvation, moral, Jesus, Romans, Seek, life, eternity, love, david, psalm, source
Won't Do That Again
EncountersScott Toalfail, Jesus, Pharisees, Sadducees, law, God, Commandment, answer, wrong, Matthew, Gospel, Bible, lawyer, love, greatest, discredit, David, Messiah, question
Nain, When Somebody Shows Up at a Funeral
MiraclesScott Toalwidow, funeral, death, procession, healing, heal, son, dead, deceased, Nain, Bible, Luke, Jesus, bearers, bier
Cause to Sin
SinScott Toalsin, hell, millstone, drown, children, temptation, Matthew, Mark, Gospel, Jesus, Change
Galatians 3 Continued Too
SeriesScott ToalGalatians, law, guardian, promise, JesusChrist, Jesus, God, Child, adoption, adopt, labels, guardianship, jews, gentile
Galatians 3 Continued
SeriesScott Toalfaith, seed, Galatians, sin, law, covenant, promise, Jesus, God, Word
The Price is Right
SinScott Toalbetrayal, betray, price, sin, salvation, repent, watch, pray, Jesus, Judas, Matthew, silver, 30, condemn, power
What’s that Smell?
CallingScott Toalsmell, aroma, fragrance, spirit, spiritual, pleasing, smeller, God, Jesus, Corinthians, Paul, sacrifice, obedience
No One Sees
CallingScott Toalholy, holiness, Jesus, God, Salvation, peace, strive, unworthy, eternity, witness, live