On the Other Hand
The Gift of Today
PraisesScott Toaltoday, God, WordofGod, Scripture, Jesus, Gift, love, praise, devotional, father, life
Has The Bus Come Yet?
Whose Land Is It Anyway?
Becoming Salvation
Behold A New Thing
Where is My Pay Raise
Handling the Bad and the Good
Born Again
Right This Way
Self Terrorism
Running Scared and Acting Crazy
Bless The Lord
By Chance
The Truth of Burdens
And Suddenly
EncountersScott Toalsaul, paul, acts, Lord, light, blind, passion, zealot, way, persecution, messiah, insane, Acts, servant, fight, prison, salvation
GraceScott Toaldevotional, Jesus, Isaiah, stumped, grace, remnant, stump, Noah, Abraham, remainder, seed, holy, israel
Personal Stump
Galatians 3:23-27
Jesus Is