Galatians 3:23-27

From the beginning when sin first entered, God’s plan has been to be reunited with man. Like a parent that makes plans for their children to be taken care of in case they should die, God planned for a guardian to keep us until his plan was fulfilled.


The law was the guardian and it was put into place to keep us until Jesus was revealed. Just like no other person could love your child more than or even like you love them, so too the Law could never fulfill God’s place in us. It was not meant to be God. It was meant to keep us for God.

So when Jesus came and fulfilled the promise he reestablished the original relationship with God. We are still with sin because sin is in the world with us. But our relationship with God is restored to the promise - the original plan. We can now walk with God and talk with God and live with God in us. We Are With God!

Galatians 3:23-27