Bless The Lord

Bless the Lord with all might, at all times give thanks and praise His name, for the Lord is great and worthy of adoration.  He is marvelous in all His ways.  The Lord’s paths are true.  His words are strong and His commands are sure.  He is loving and gracious.  His kindness is toward all who love Him.

Great is the Lord!  Praise be to His name.  Though war and pestilence are all about - trust in the Lord.  He is strong and mighty.  His shoulders bear the burdens of His children.  No matter what comes, the children of God will be secure and unmovable in the arms of their heavenly Father.

There will be change.  There will be troubles.  There will be triumphs. In all things firmly trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

PraisesScott ToalComment