Running Scared and Acting Crazy
David the anointed king of Israel had to go through challenges to be prepared for the service and calling God had placed on his life. God anointed him king as a boy, but He uses David’s time of challenges to create the king he was to be.
This message is for those who received the calling of God in your youth. The calling came and then came life. It is a simple message. It is a message that is in your heart already. You know that you have waited for years. You have wondered what the present situation has to do with that word the Lord gave you so many years ago. How does working in the back office tie into being what God pointed out to you 20 years ago?
David was anointed and called to be the king of Israel, but first he had to fulfill his calling to run scared and act crazy.
Some people may say that you have missed it. The calling has passed. When your time came you were scared and did not act. The fear of man has negated the work of God in your life. You dropped the mantle and accepted a lesser work. I do believe that we as children of God have the ability to refuse the calling put on our lives. Just like not taking that summer job set up by your dad, you can decide not to take that heavenly calling deposited in you by your Father in heaven. Of course the magnitude of the error involved in the latter instance is too significant to measure.
Remember that David was just as called to the challenges that prepared him as he was called to be king. He was called to be running scared and acting crazy (1 Samuel 21:10-15).
So this place that you are in - is it the place God has called you to or is it a product of your fear and disobedience? I don’t know, and it is likely you don’t either. Of course, if you are in sin and living a life that is opposed to God’s commands, it is likely that you are not in God’s will. But a little more uncertainty comes along when you are following the Lord’s command and living in His grace but still the calling is apparently not being fulfilled.
Another thing that tends to cloud things up is when your overriding “general” responsibilities come along. It is not difficult to drop everything and fulfill the calling when you are fresh out of college, single and fancy free. But life never stays that way. Next thing you know you are married with 3 kids and a job that is making ends meet. You are absorbed in the pressures of the day. You find that your everyday life is in a colossal struggle of tug-a-war with your knowledge of God’s calling on your life.
Peace. Be at peace. When you find yourself seeking God’s will and you desire that calling He has given you, be at peace that He is faithful to complete what He has started. Of course David questioned the calling. He was there when the anointing oil ran down his face. He knew what had been done. But he was also there when he was hiding in caves, acting crazy in front of foreign kings and generally fearing for his life.
In your times of questioning remember this: God never forgets the one’s He calls, and He is faithful to fulfill the calling He gives.