Jesus Is
If you are lonely, He is your friend
If you are without hope, He is your salvation
If you are a widow, He is your husband
If you are orphaned, He is your Father
If you are in the wilderness, He is your source
If you are fearful, He is your fortress
If you are hungry, He is your bread
If you are thirsty, He is your water
If you are ill, He is your healing
If you are troubled, He is your comfort
If you are weak, He is your strength
If you are in darkness, He is your light
If you are in sin, He is your grace
If you are in doubt, He is faithful
If you are nothing, He is your everything
If you are sad, He is your joy
If you are unloved, He is your love
If you are in need, He is your solution
If you are suicidal, He is your new day
If you are addicted, He is your no more
If you are trapped, He is your way out
If you are angry, He is your vengeance
If you are under pressure, He is your strong shoulder
If you are lost, He is your path home
If you are old, He is the spring in your step
If you are confused, He is wisdom
If you are ignorant, He is knowledge
If you are poor, He is your satisfaction
If you are rich, He is your humility
If you are in a lie, He is truth
If you are exhausted, He is your supply
If you are captive, He is your freedom
If you are dead, He is your everlasting life