The Truth of Burdens

The truth is that carrying the burdens of others, bearing with others, truly helping others in times of need fulfills the commands of God in their entirety.

A key influence on this truth is the Law of the Messiah which states:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.

God's Law, contained in the Torah, and the declarations of the prophets are all hinged on the two commands given by Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew (chapter 22). This hinging is more than just a correlation - it is a total dependency. The two commandments of the Messianic Law encompass the complete purpose of God's Law given to the Israelite people. There is no portion of God's Law outside of the Messiah's Law, and there is no added command contained in the Law of the Messiah that was not included in God's Law. While human interpretation may vary, the purpose of the two laws is one and the same.  

The Truth of Burdens, as outlined in Galatians 6:2, helps us understand the application of Messiah's Law and how it's accomplished. When one person helps another person across the street, when a person visits another in the hospital, when a person gives food freely to one who is starving, when a person defends the innocent or brings justice in an unjust situation, the commands of God are fulfilled entirely. For in these simple acts are held the reverent love and respect of God through His creation as well as the subordination of one person's self to another person's need.

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