Drinking for God
In all that you do, everything, glorify God.
Do we glorify God in everything that we do? At our core do we bring glory to God?
Paul instructs in 1 Corinthians that even in the simplest of things like eating and drinking we should do all to glorify God. For context - Paul was discussing how to react when given food that had been offered as sacrifice to idols. This is obviously not something that happens too often in our society. But, he expands the instruction to include “whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
In everything? Really? How about brushing our hair? What about sleeping? I can see glorifying God in how I work, what I watch, where I go. But, how I tie my shoes? What does that have to do with glorifying God?
The Holy Spirit enlightens the way through Paul’s writing earlier in this same chapter of Corinthians. Verse 26 says “For ‘the earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.’” When, in the beginning, God created all things that meant that all things were set apart for His glory.
The one who creates is glorified in the existence of his creation. When we look at a painting and comment on its value or its beauty, we glorify the painter who created it. When we drive a car down the road, we glorify the workers who took part in building it. Similarly, when we, as God’s creation, live out our lives we give glory to the One who created us.
Our very existence is a glory to Him who created us. When our heart beats it is a glorious event and a sounding praise to a God who created it. When our lungs take in breath it is an exaltation to our Creator.
It does not matter if one is a believer or an atheist. We can’t take away the Creator’s glory. What about when we sin? Indeed, sin is not glorifying to God. However, forgiveness is. Our sin leads to abounding grace poured out by the One who created us. In this there is glory.
So we should just continue in sin and bring more glory to God through His grace. Not advisable. Justice is also glorifying to God since He is the only One who can truly deliver it. A just God will deliver a just reward for our actions and in this there is glory.
Stand up. Right now, stand up… You just glorified God.