
Had a big fire yesterday - the kind that must be tended for 10 hours.  As night approached I noticed the embers being lifted from the fire.  I did not notice them in the light of day because their small glow was not enough to overcome the light of the sun. 

Spiritual Significance - When lit up by the fire of God always remember: the Light of the Son is greater than your own, as it is intended.


Same fire - more thinking. The same embers that were not visible in the sunlight were more visible at night. As the sun continued to set and darkness crept into the woods, I saw the embers more clearly. These embers were lifted from the fire by the current of heat. They would float up until they were free from the current and then the embers would descend back to earth and sometimes back into the fire.

As the embers moved away from the fire, their glow would dissipate. If an ember shot up too high or too far to the left or right it would eventually go out. If the embers would stay in the flow of heat and gently float back to the fire it would reignite their glow and they would proceed once again into the lifting heat.

Spiritual Significance - The fire of God provides a lifting effect on a person’s life. In other words, we can experience the exhilaration of being lifted to see and be seen due to God’s move in our life. However, be careful! The lifting of God’s spiritual fire can be an opportunity for others to see the greatness of the Lord or it can be turned into a self-promotion of gifts that are not even your possession.

Do not become like the embers which float outside of the bonfire’s heat and lose their light. When God put’s His spiritual fire in your life, stay in the heat of God’s presence so that the lasting light that results will draw others to Jesus.