Galatians 3 Continued

The covenant existed before the law existed. The law was given because of sin. The law was created so that in our sinfulness we, humankind, fallen, unrepentant and hell bent, would not burn down the house before the promise came. The promise was confirmed by God, but like children in need of outlet covers, we had to be restrained so that we would not destroy ourselves before the promise could be realized.

If the law could have accomplished the promise it would have. However, the law was incapable of accomplishing the promise. Our weakness was the law’s weak link. As long as our propensity to disobey God could influence the outcome, the promise was unattainable.

This was understood by an omniscient God. So the Word of God “locked up” everything under sin. For what purpose? So that by faith, the promise to be obtained through “the Seed” who is Jesus Christ, might be received by those who believe.