Not Done in a Corner
As Paul explained to King Agrippa, the Christian faith is not to be lived out in a corner.
In Paul’s self defense before King Agrippa, the missionary apostle makes this statement: “For I am persuaded that none of these things has escaped the king’s notice, for this has not been done in a corner.” The things referenced in Paul’s remarks were the conversion and calling of Paul himself as well as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Paul did not do things secretly. Secrets were far more common among the political elite within the government of Rome and the religious hierarchy of the Jews. Everything that Paul did was public - it was the nature of his calling. He was by all accounts a public figure. He was called to speak to the Jews and Gentiles wherever he found them. The book of Acts is replete with accounts of Paul speaking in synagogues and before crowds of people. Even Paul’s letters were written corporately and distributed to the churches.
Jesus also lived out his life in a public manner. His miracles were documented and seen. The words He spoke were not whispered to a few elites. While at times Jesus kept his remarks to a selected few, he very often spoke to large crowds and walked openly through cities touching the lives of as many as would take notice. Jesus was not a Messiah hold-up in some cave or compound. He was among the people. His life was in front of the masses.
Brothers and Sisters, our lives are to be likewise. We are to live our lives publicly, and our faith as well. We are not called to follow our beliefs and live out our faith discreetly. in a corner, for only a select few to view. We are not called to be secret Christians. We are called to live life so that the goodness and glory of God our Father is broadcast to all those around us.