Nain, When Somebody Shows Up at a Funeral

One day the inhabitants of a village in Israel had the unfortunate occasion of a funeral procession.  This funeral was particularly pitiful because the deceased was the only son of a widowed mother.  A woman had lost her husband and now a son, her only one.  Because of the nature of this funeral, a “considerable crowd” followed the mother as she followed the bearers carrying her dead son. 

On its way out of town the funeral procession crossed paths with Somebody.  This Somebody was not expected there.  No notice had been given of Somebody’s arrival.  Interestingly, there was a great crowd with this Somebody as well, but they were not there to mourn.  This crowd was following Somebody because of curiosity or faith or just because this Somebody was different. 

Well, Somebody saw the widowed mother with her deceased son and felt compassion.  So Somebody said to the widow, “‘Do not weep.’” What?  Do not weep?  What is this Somebody talking about?  I am a widow walking my dead ONLY son out of town to put him in the ground!  Do not weep?  You don’t even know me, Somebody.  How can you say such a thing?  Well it appears that if the mother had thought such things she did not voice them.

Then this Somebody did something that changed everything.  Stepping up to the bier, or frame on which the dead son lay, Somebody touched it.  The bearers of the body stopped and Somebody said “Young man, I say to you, arise.”  The dead son “sat up and began to speak”.  Just like that the son lived. 

Now this account is recorded so that we might know that Somebody cares for us, that Somebody has power to raise that which is dead to life and that when Somebody comes to your funeral He turns it into a celebration of life! Read it for yourself - Luke 7:11-17.

Jesus Christ has the power to turn mourning into gladness and your death into life.