No One Sees
“Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” This truth is found in Hebrews chapter 12. The instruction is given to the reader with the intent to urge the reader toward a life of peace with everyone. This is to be the conduct of a Christian life. And what is the goal of such a life? Is it betterment of the Christian? Is it a more successful life? Is the aim a closer relationship with God?
The world is watching. Live out holiness.
None of these particular goals are voiced in the writer’s words and as the verse continues it outlines another precept to live by. The reader is to strive for holiness, “without which no one will see the Lord.” So peace and holiness are to be strived for by the reader. That is certainly well meaning, sage advice. But, once again, what is the purpose? Why are we striving for peace and holiness?
Important point here - the holiness being talked about in this verse is not an internal holiness unto salvation. No person’s holiness, no matter how holy the person, is worthy of acclamation or useful unto eternal salvation. The holiness necessary for relationship with God is only obtained through the sacrifice of a perfect, Holy Being. This is the law established by God.
It appears this verse in Hebrews is talking about a different kind of holiness. Note the wording again - “holiness without which no one will see the Lord.” Seeing is different than knowing - different than salvation. Seeing the Lord is something that can happen to anyone, preacher to pagan. Knowing God, being adopted into God’s family, being a child of God is something that is reserved for those who have trusted in the Lord, trading in their ragged holiness and clothing themselves in His perfect Holiness.
I suggest, based upon the context of this verse, the writer is compelling us to live out holiness, not to our own benefit, but rather to the benefit of those who need to see the Lord. We may interact with people who have but one chance to recognize that a loving Savior lives for them. Strive to live out holiness before a world filled with people who need this Savior. People need to see the only God willing to give all for them. A life of holiness is your offering to help lost souls find the salvation of a truly Holy God.