I’m Saved :-\

When a person is saved it is a joyous time in the heart!  If you have experienced this you know what I am writing about. I remember fondly the sense of being accepted, loved and the feeling of relief when I was saved.  There is a tremendous closeness with God immediately following salvation.

We all are of course different people and our salvation experience certainly differs.  But one thing remains true among all people who are saved:

In salvation we all believed in a real way that God loved us and that He desired us.

Now, living in this world is abrasive.  It is a callus forming experience. This sin filled world in which we live tends toward corruption.  It causes questions. It beats down on a Christian and their faith until there is no remembrance of the salvation experience.  The world has its way of making us forget about that closeness - that desire. We read the Bible and know it is true, but the love of God is not as sweetly enjoyed as in our salvation experience.  There are revivals, when our spirit soars to heaven and we bask in the joy of close communion with God. But time passes and the world’s action dulls even the revivals. We are left at a loss.

If you find yourself at this point, if my words above put you on the map marker at the “You Are Here” arrow, do something today.  If you are at a place where God’s love for you is only something you hear about on Sunday, look at the wall. Turn around in you spirit and view the wall.   This is the wall built over time. The wall intended to dull the sense of God in your life. This wall may stretch all the way across the expanse of your heart and its existence keeps you from experiencing an exhilarating relationship with your Savior.  Look at the wall. The blocks in the wall may be sin but the mortar holding that wall together is doubt - disbelief that God loves you. Doubt that He could accept you.

Look at the wall.  Step to it and take out your chisel and start working on a single block.  Any one will do. Begin knocking that doubt mortar out and loosening that single block.  The tools for your task are God’s word, your brain and prayer. You will have to put forth the effort.  You will have to desire to rid your life of the wall. But just get that first block loose and see what happens.