
Did you ever have two acquaintances who were absolutely at odds with one another?  I mean - couldn’t stand to be around the other.  As a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, those two persons are a representation of God and the system of the world. 

We want to be friendly with the world but know that God hates it and that for which it stands.  We also desire sincerely to be friends with the Lord Jesus.  After all it was Jesus who called us friends - no longer servants - friends (John 15).  But the world is deathly opposed to Jesus as well as to God’s plan for us.  The world is mocking, hating and working against our Lord at every level possible. 

This leaves us with a decision to make. God will not change, and we do not have the power to change the trajectory of a fallen world. So we must decide. Will we be a friend to the world and enemy to God? Or will we choose to be a friend of God and enemy to the world? If you give your heart to one, you will not be able to give your heart to the other.

James 4