Ways vs Waze

your waze are perishable.  My ways are everlasting.

your waze are corruptible.  My ways are holy.

your waze are futile.  My ways are fruitful.

your waze are sinful.  My ways are righteous.

your waze are failing.  My ways are enduring.

your waze are weak.  My ways are strong.

your waze are darkness.  My ways are light.

your waze are worldly.  My ways are heavenly.

your waze are condemned.  My ways are salvation.

Choose My ways!  Forsake the crooked waze of man and choose the straight ways of God.  Leave the broken waze of the world.  Hold fast to the Higher ways of the Lord.  

In My ways you will find salvation.  You will find peace.  In My ways you will find life everlasting!