Understanding Faith

"By faith we understand…"

Faith brings understanding.  This world and our very existence is brought about by events that are unexplainable.  Whether you are of the No God Involved camp or the God Did It All camp, it is still impossible to understand why and how it was done.  Therefore, in order to understand, there must be faith.

You may have faith to believe it all was mixed up just right and life came into being.  You may believe that an energy great enough to produce planets, stars and solar systems occurred.  On the other hand, you may have faith that a creator designed and spoke it into being.  In any case it is going to take faith to bring understanding.

Keep in mind that your faith does not affect the outcome.  The earth exists regardless of what you have faith to believe.  Faith will lead you to understanding; but ultimately it is what you have faith in that determines outcome.

If you have faith that there is no God involved, your outcome can be understood.  If you have faith that God is intimately involved in His creation, your outcome can be understood as well.

Hebrews 11:3