Voices in My Head

A. believer FAQ would have to include:

Q. So you hear God speak to you?  Exactly how does that work?

A. The same way you speak to yourself.  Of course there are variations, when God speaks through His written letter to us called the Bible, or when He speaks to us through the people in our lives.  The important thing is not how God speaks to a believer.  The real important question is whether or not the believer is listening.

God is certainly not limited in ways to talk to His people.  He has used a donkey in the past, and He continues to use them on occasions today.  Dreams, visions, even the natural world around us are avenues for God to speak into the lives of His children.  But do we listen?  

We all have voices in our heads.  If you denied, you lie.  Most of the time the voice is just you railing on yourself about something that you did in the past (hate that voice).  Sometimes it is an enemy attempting to make a beachhead into your thoughts in order to gain control.  On a rare occasion, when an individual has devoted themselves to sin, it is a demon that wants to use your corpse as a tool to inflict harm and damage.  

But there is a voice in our heads that belongs to a loving and gracious Heavenly Father.  We are tuned into all the other voices that may come around but the Father’s voice can be hard to identify - not because He talks softly, or because He doesn’t talk much - but because we cannot imagine He would talk to us.  After all, why would the Almighty talk with me?  Simply because He loves me.  Doesn’t take any more than that.  

So, back to the FAQ.  Yes, I hear God speak to me and I am trying to become a better listener.

Job 33:12-18