
God working in your life is a little like a father building a sandcastle with his child.

Just as a father and his child set out to build a sandcastle on the beach, so God sets out with you to build that life He wants to make.  In the child’s mind there is a concept of what the castle will look like.  The father begins by building a mound of sand much greater than the child had originally imagined.  In awe the child watches as the father begins to mound the sand up to make a gigantic base for their sandcastle.  This base is much greater than the child could have accomplished.  In fact, as the father puts his powerful frame to work the sand seems to move effortlessly into place and a strong and secure base is created for the foundation of their sandcastle.

You imagine your life in a certain way.  You see it according to the effort you can afford.  You see it according to the way you can build.  But as your Heavenly Father begins the project of building your life, He starts with a foundation that is so much grander than you could have accomplished, and you wonder how does He do it.  How does He move the sand in such effortless motion?  His power is more than you can imagine and the result is much greater than you had envisioned.

Now the father begins to construct the castle on the newly formed mound of sand.  The child is sent on errands to procure the needed decorative elements.  A shell from over here and a stick from over there.  Don’t forget the flower, the leaf and the feather.  Each piece having its own specific purpose in the child’s mind as it does in the father’s plan.  With every return to the castle the child sees the new additions that the father has made.  Soon the grand spires of the castle extend high into the air, standing taller than the child, even on their tiptoes.  Again wonder strikes.  How does he accomplish such things?

Your Father in heaven gives you the privilege of joining in the construction of your life.  He finds joy in seeing the wonderful things you return with to add to his work.  He places your decorations with care.  Each item is meticulously placed.  Everything is considered with great care to make your life what the Father has planned.

Soon those walking by on the shoreline begin to take notice.  The child notices people stopping to take in the masterpiece being created in the sand.  There are those who casually glance in the direction of the construction zone.  There are others who stop and ask questions or even take photos to capture the moment.  There is pride in the child’s eyes with the realization that this sandcastle is notable.  This sandcastle is special.

As God works in your life, others take notice.  They see the things being done.  They realize that something special is happening.  Although your part is small compared to the Father’s efforts, you are the one consulted on the progress and you are the one recognized by onlookers.  All the while you know that God is the master architect and the One with the answers.

As the work continues, the child begins to wonder if the Father will ever be done with this sandcastle.  It takes a bit of patience to see the project through to completion, but there is the knowledge that the final result will be fantastic.  Finally, the sandcastle is finished and both father and child sit and take in the final masterpiece.  The grand entrance with shell paved entry, the tremendously high central spire towering over the surrounding landscape, the daunting wall fortified with strong parapets to thwart enemy attacks and the small decorative accents that make this sandcastle uniquely their own.  As the father sits with the child in his lap, they discuss the marvelous achievement of their sandcastle.

When God has completed His work in your life there is great joy at seeing what He was able to accomplish.  More than you could have ever imagined possible He has done in you.  As you survey the awesome work accomplished, you understand how great your Heavenly Father is and how much He loves you.  That is when it hits you.  After all the work is completed and God’s plan for your life is fulfilled, it is then you realize that in all the building and the hard labor, in the times of wanting and waiting, in all the achievement and great successes, as well as seeming defeats, that all in all it was not about building a life.

You see the moment the child asked the father to join in building a sandcastle, the father joined with joy in his heart.  For in the sandcastle was time.  Time spent with the one he loves.  Time spent with the one he adores.  It was always about communion.  It was always about a Father being with His child.