Everlasting Breath
God’s breath in the Bible begins life anew.
With one breath God started an everlasting precession of breathing creatures. One wonders if He might have held His breath if He had known what that one breath would start. Ah, but of course He did know and He still breathed. He wanted us.
But think about it. God breathed.
Now we breathe to survive. This is not the case with God. He breathes to impart life. God no more needed air than He needed food to eat. But still the Word describes His breath - His first breath that became our first breath. Without that breath the body formed out of the earth would have remained breathless, void of life. It would have been just a lump of clay. But God chose to breathe, giving a part of Himself so that we could become. Life proceeds from God and He shares it with His creation. It is the greatest gift we will ever receive.
God breathed for the first time again when He, in the form of a baby named Jesus, was brought into His own world as a human being. He inhaled into His clay form that life sustaining air. He walked, talked, slept, wept and did all the rest of the things human beings do, except sin. God lived with us and all the while He breathed. But it was His last breath that we cherish the most. That last breath of a Savior that even outweighs God’s very first back in the garden of Eden. For it was Jesus’ last breath, exhaled while hanging on a cross, a cross He neither deserved nor desired but faithfully submitted to carry, it was God’s last breath that restored to us the opportunity to share in God’s eternity. An eternity that will be so awesome, so amazing, so fantastic - some might say it will be breathless!