The Acorn and The Rock
Consider the pillow and the head. It takes no effort on the pillow’s part to conform to the head. The head applies the pressure and the pillow simply adjusts to conform. The pillow allows its material to form around the head which is applying pressure to it.
The Bible, in the book of Romans, tells us not to conform to the world. We should not take on the form of the world or comply with the rules and standards that the world presents. But instead we should be “transformed” by the renewal of our mind. Through change of mind, we should transform so that through testing we can learn the will of God.
Now consider the acorn and the rock. A rock placed on top of an acorn applies pressure to the acorn but does not get a conformative response. Due to its material make up the acorn resists conforming to the rocks shape. The acorn will not bend to the rock and therefore is not conformed to the shape of the rock. Instead, over time the acorn begins a transformative process where the nut cracks open allowing a small plant to sprout. This plant grows roots and those roots allow the plant to grow. Eventually the acorn turns into an oak tree.
All throughout the transforming process the rock may apply its pressure, but the acorn, now an oak tree, will not conform. Slowly, while resisting the pressure of the rock, the oak tree grows until the pressure from the rock is insignificant. Yes the rock continues the same pressure as it has always applied, but the oak tree is not and will not be conformed to the rock.
The world applies its pressure on us. We are daily pressured to conform to the world and the things of this world. However, just because there is pressure to conform does not mean there must be conformity. If we, like the acorn, resist conforming to the world, if we instead transform our lives through relationship with Jesus Christ, we will indeed see a time when the world’s pressure has no effect on us. Like the great Oak, we will be unaffected by the pressure of the rock. It is at this point when we may realize the power of Christ within us and see the rock rolled away.