He Who Created

In the beginning God created everything.  He created all the beasts of the field, animals in the waters and birds of the air.  He created the plants, the sky, the sun and the stars and even light itself. God created all.  

In Genesis 2 the Word of God talks about how man was formed by God and how God planted a garden for man.  But in verse 18 it says that “the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a fit companion.’”  God recognized that man’s condition was lacking. Every land animal was brought before Adam and he named every one. Yet there was none who could be a fit companion for man.  

So God put man to sleep and performed the first surgery, taking a rib from man and closing up the area with flesh.  From the rib that God took from Adam he created who was missing. Then the Word of God gives us a beautiful picture.  It says “and [God] brought her to the man.” Such a wonderful image of God, having formed a beautiful being made out of His goodness, brings her to His chosen companion.  

This event was the occasion for the declaration, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast (cleave) to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (vs 24).  

Now fast forward several thousand years and you find in Matthew 19:3-6 the son of God, Jesus, being questioned by the Pharisees about divorce.  “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” Jesus’ reply is simple and profound all in one. He said “‘Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’  So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.

Why did Jesus use the phrase “he who created”?  He could have said “Have you not read that God”, or “the Lord”, or even “my Father”.  But instead he said “he who created”. Jesus was very specific in referencing God as the Creator in this reply.  I believe that Jesus desired to specifically reference God’s creative power in the reply to this question, not only in making man and woman, but in creating the union of One Flesh.  

When God proclaimed man’s condition without a companion as “not good”, He at the same time set out to create something that would be unique in all existence.  He set out to create a relationship that would be unlike anything in nature. He formed a woman out of a part of the man. No other animal was created in this fashion.  He formed her and brought her to man. This He did not do for any other animal in creation. He brought them together and declared a union of One Flesh over them. No other animal in all creation shares this, or can even experience such a union.  

When Jesus was referring to “he who created”, he was talking about a God that had created two miraculous beings and then created one miraculous relationship calling it ”One Flesh”.  This same relationship, so unique and so miraculous, is used in the Word of God as an example of Jesus’ relationship with His church. A union founded in the creativity of God Almighty and bonded by His authority.  

Our inept attempts to add to this awesome work fall so short of the mark it is hard to tell that we are shooting at it at all.  Man’s concepts of marriage are whitewash over a golden, bejeweled canvas. God’s perfect work is enough. It is our responsibility to simply honor that which God has done.  In accomplishing this simple task, we will honor and glorify He who created.

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