I'm A P90Xer

For many years I have worked out to Tony Horton’s P90X® videos.  My commitment can be labelled sporadic at best.  In these many years I believe I have only completed the full 90 day program one time.  However, when dedicating myself to a healthy life, I will always come back to this fitness program because I believe that it works. 

I am currently in one of my new fitness startups with hope and desire to accomplish the goal of a fitter, healthier and more active me.  Of course I am incorporating P90X into my regiment once again and as I begin this next cycle of fitness I realize that I have become a P90X disciple. 

Through the many years of doing the workouts, the program has been embedded into my mind.  I can now pick out all the quirky events that happen on the different workout videos.  Places where the splice was not the best.  The place where one of the participants walks off camera to begin the weight lifting while Tony, the leader, is still warming up.  I even can recite Tony’s words as the videos progress - “diamonds of gold”, “get your bucket nearby” and “WOW upside down…”.  It is a little disturbing. 

However, in the P90X disciple discovery I have seen some similarities to being a Christian Disciple.  See if you agree -

1. I know that I will likely never get as fit as Tony Horton.  I will follow the program to the best of my ability but in all probability I will never accomplish the fitness of the leader.  So it is as a Christian with Jesus.  I will follow the Way but will never become as great as Him who is the Way.

Note: Understanding this fact does not discourage me from following Jesus and living the precepts of the Christian life.  Nor does understanding Tony’s superior fitness keep me from endeavoring greater fitness in my own life.

2. I may stop the P90X program at times.  I may “fall off the wagon” and get my Krispy Kreme® doughnut that Tony preaches against.  But I can always pick P90X back up.  Tony and the program will be there when I put that disc back in and decide to commit myself once again.  Likewise, I may fail as a Christian - that is to say - I will sin; I may not always speak forth the truth when called upon to do it; I will fail to follow Jesus at times.  But Jesus will not leave me.  He is certainly not waiting around on a video, but He is waiting for my return and when I do, He will be ready to pick up where we left off. 

Note: Just as with my personal fitness, my Christian walk will be made stronger if my failures are limited in scope and length.  However, the changes in my fitness are significantly more noticeable when I have returned after leaving the program for prolonged times.  God redeems all things.  My life in opposition to the Way of Jesus will be used to show those viewing from the outside the great change that is made on the inside.  Just as P90X has its fit body success stories to proclaim, in the Christian walk I will become that example of what following Jesus can do for a life. 

3. When I am following the P90X program I am happier.  I feel stronger and live a more active life.  When I am following Jesus and earnestly living the Christian walk I am stronger, filled with joy and living a more fruitful life.  Jesus brings a satisfaction to life that cannot be found anywhere else. 

Note: It is a sure thing that the significance of a Christian Discipleship is vastly more important than a P90X discipleship - as much as eternity is more important than the temporal.  That being said, the body is a gift from God just as the spirit is given.

Now just for clarification, I do not believe that Tony Horton is the Messiah, and I do not equate the P90X program with the life called for those who believe in Jesus Christ.  Jesus is in much better shape than Tony.

Hebrews 12:1