Just Words

People live and even die on words.  In combat the word of a superior officer can send a soldier into the most dangerous of situations, possibly at the cost of the soldier’s life.  A judge can sentence with words - life in prison or even give a death sentence. 

We are affected by words.  But the most powerful of all words are the words of God.  Deuteronomy makes this statement “… man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”  Later, when tempted by Satan, Jesus referenced this scripture to withstand the temptation to turn stones into bread. 

So why is it that God’s words would have any greater impact on us than any other words?  Well, the obvious answer is the source of the words.  God has infinitely more power than any other being in the universe.  His words would obviously have greater power because He is God. 

But another key factor in the power of words is purpose.  Words have purpose.  In other words :), there is a reason words are said.  God’s words work in conjunction with God’s purpose, His will.  The will of God is established and will not be moved.  Therefore His words are established and, as stated in the Bible, the word of God found in the Law will not pass away until all [God’s will] is fulfilled (Matthew 5:18).  

So, if the words of God are to fulfill the purposes of God they must indeed be the most powerful and impacting words.  Man’s will is ever changing, and man is in no way able to establish an eternal purpose.  In contrast, God’s will is unchangeable.  Even if all the effort of humankind were put to the task we would be unable to change the will of God.  It is and that’s that. 

So man’s words perish with man.  But God’s words are established for eternity and accomplish that which they are set to do.  Man shall live by the word’s of God.

Be comforted today, that the words of man do not possess the power of God’s words.  Where man says “fail”, God says “succeed” and success is made.  Where man says “falter”, God says “overcome” and one is able to overcome.  Where man says “die”, God says “live” and there is life eternal! It is so great to know that our life is not bound up in the words of man but rather sustained in the word of God.