Due Time
In the digital age, when everything is either audio, video or read from a screen, the hard copy book is becoming a relic of the past. Way back when hard copies had greater relevance, libraries would use a “due date” system to allow their patrons to check out books for a period of time. The due date was a set time the library established when the patron was required to return the book to the library collection area. If the due date passed and the book was not returned, fines would be applied to the patron’s account and any future dealing with the library would include payment of those fines. You youngsters may not believe this but we used to rent videos under the same system! Blockbuster days.
So when reading through Peter’s first epistle I find it interesting that he refers to a “due time” related to God lifting up those who humble themselves. The particular scripture reads, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” Besides “due time”, there are a couple of other words that jump out of this scripture and demand consideration.
Take the word “therefore”. Why therefore? Context is everything. From the verse preceding this one we see that Peter is speaking to “you who are younger”. This part of Peter’s epistle is admonishing those who are not blessed with many years and therefore should submit to the elders of the church. He spoke to those elders earlier in the chapter and now turns his attention to the youth. His encouragement appears to be centered around waiting for God to elevate, rather than pushing to the top. Interesting.
How about the word “may”. That is a simple word with a significant meaning in this context. “May”, as referenced, is talking about the possibility of or permission to take the specified action. In essence what Peter is saying is that unless we humble ourselves under God, exaltation may not be permissible. There is a connection between our ability to humble ourselves and God’s ability to lift us up in due time.
The Lord Jesus is going to return in due time.
So let’s get back to our subject phrase - “due time”. From this scripture’s perspective what is due time? Well, similar to the library example provided, due time is an established timeframe for something to happen. In our scripture verse the “something” is the lifting up or exalting of the self humbled individual. God has established a time for exaltation of those who humble themselves under His mighty hand. There is a set day, hour and minute when God will raise up those who humble themselves. That is the due time.
Now, in order to set due time you must first have the authority to dole out the reward and/or penalty related to the due time. In this instance, it is necessary for God to be able to reward the humble with exaltation. We know that He can and He does. He must also at the same time be able to keep exaltation from those who are not humble. We know that God has this power as well. So in God’s established due time those who are willing to humble themselves will be lifted up.
Before going any further I need to clarify what is meant by exaltation and lifting up. So the referenced exaltation is not glory. It is not worldly fame, riches or anything that the world provides. The lifting up has nothing to do with vain aggrandizement. The exaltation discussed in 1 Peter is related to position, service and/or responsibility. It has to do with elevation of one’s leadership within the body of Christ. Those who humble themselves will, in due time, receive God’s promotion to a new level of responsibility.
Now that we have a clearer understand of what due time means in 1 Peter 5:6 and to what the term “lifted up” is referring, let’s discuss how all this applies to us. Who can undue due time? Who has the ability to change when something is due and what the results of adhering to due time will be? Who can change the rules of due time? Only the One Who has authority to establish due time is able to alter it. Due time cannot be changed by anyone outside of the One. From our scripture we understand that a due time has been established. It has been establish by the one, true God and only God has the ability to alter the due time.
You cannot change due time. Your boss cannot change due time. Man’s government cannot change due time. Satan and his forces of hell cannot change due time. God has set a due time to exalt the humble and it will happen, unfailingly, without delay. When we humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand and the set due time is reached, we will be lifted up. Period. Nothing can stop it from happening. Based on this truth I suggest we stop the worrying, fingernail biting, being anxious and trying to self promote. Instead, humbly submit and faithfully wait. Due time is coming.