
In talking about those who hear the Word [Jesus] and believe Him who sent the Word [God the Father], Jesus said that they have “eternal life.”  In other words, if a person hears the truth of Jesus and believes that God has sent Him, that person “has” life everlasting.  They do not come into judgment.  They are not condemned. They have instead “passed from death to life.”  What an interesting way to describe the most gloriously wonderful truth of salvation in Jesus Christ.  I wonder if I will ever hear that someone has passed and think of it the same way again.  Passed indeed!  

To pass from this earthly existence into eternal bliss with our Savior, Jesus Christ, is just an unimaginably awesome and magnificent thing.  No condemnation. Bypass the accuser’s pointed fingers and venomous charges.  Of course I have done wrong.  I have sinned.  But there will be no need for a trial.  You see, I heard, I believed and I passed. 

John 5:24