You Are a Gift

Hey Gift

You are a gift. If you are loved and blessed you have probably heard that before. If you have never heard that, let me tell you - You Are A Gift! 

A gift is given. A gift is received. A gift is cherished. Now if a gift is given there must be a giver to give the gift. If a gift is received there must be one to receive the gift. 

Who could give you as a gift? Well, in order to give something you must have first obtained the thing you intend to give. You can buy something, like millions of people do each year on Amazon, and give it as a gift. But can you be bought? What type of real value is placed on a human life and can anyone really buy a life? Seeing that there is an eternal value to a life, I suggest that there is no form of monetary payment that would suffice to truly pay for the life you have. 

So if you cannot be bought the only other way that one could obtain you is to make you. There is only One that truly creates, or makes, a being like you. I am not talking about the miraculous mixing of cellular material to develop the earthen vessel in which you reside here on earth. The creation is the spirit that inhabits that vessel. Your spirit is eternal and it is the most amazing thing in the universe. Stars, worlds, galaxies are great. But your spirit is the single thing that is described as having everlasting potential and coming directly from the breath of God. He spoke everything else into existence, but the spirit of His most special creation He breathed out. 

God is the only one who could give you as a gift. But if a gift has a giver and a receiver, who receives you as a gift. According to John 6:37 in the Bible, “All that the Father gives me [Jesus] will come to me …” If you have believed in Jesus, the son of God, then He has received you - a gift from His Father. God gives you, Jesus receives you and we get to admire the gift that is given. 

BONUS NOTE: also found in John 6:37, “... and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” Jesus receives you as a gift and will never cast you aside or throw you in the trash or even regift you. Once Jesus receives you from the Father you are His eternally!