Grow a Garden

A garden does wonders for giving insight into the believer’s walk. So while you grow food for the belly, you get plenty of food for thought - and some for the spirit as well.

As an example consider this: were it possible to do one watering at the beginning of planting a garden and have that watering supply the garden for the duration of the growing season, what would be the watering practice employed by most gardeners? Well, copious amounts of water upon planting and let it ride of course. But that's not how it works.

What makes a garden grow is a consistent supply of water at intervals throughout the growing season. You have to mix the deluge from the summer thunderstorm with the morning mist with the late evening sprinkle with the garden hose doses of water to get a healthy growing garden. Too long of an interval between waters or even too much water at one time will be detrimental to the garden plants. Spiritual nourishment on the way - so it is in a believer’s life.

We are not sustained by the spiritual revivals, conferences or christian retreats. While these are certainly desired and helpful in the believer’s walk, our growth as children of God comes from a constant and consistent supply of the Holy Spirit. It's the morning devotional, the Sunday morning church service, the times of emergency where we call out to God and the times of need when we rely upon His supply that grows our faith and helps us to become mature in Christ. Of course we do enjoy the times of revival when the Spirit is poured out like a deluge. But true lasting fruit only comes with a consistent dependence and interaction with God.

1 Corinthians 3:7

"So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow."


CallingScott Toal