What God Wants
Amos is the name of one of the books in the Old Testament scriptures. Amos was a minor prophet, and the book named after him is a collection of his prophecies. The 5th chapter in his book is an account of the Lord's words to His people, the Israelites. It instructs them to change their direction, repent, and seek the Lord so that they may live. It is a call from a loving God to His people.
The words written in the 5th chapter of Amos are an indictment against the people of Israel based on their actions and the way they had bastardized justice and "cast down righteousness." God was seriously displeased with the actions of the people, and because of their actions, judgment was inevitable. But still, the Lord called out to His people. He desired that they turn from their wicked ways and "seek" Him.
Toward the end of the chapter, through Amos' writings, the Lord states that "I [the Lord] despise your feasts, and take no delight in your solemn assemblies." God was tired of the lip service given to Him by the people. It seems that the Israelites were dividing their honor between "Sikkuth" and "Kiyyun." These two idols were false gods that the people of Israel were worshipping instead of the One True God that delivered their ancestors and gave them a promised land with the abounding blessings they enjoyed. But the Lord informed the people through Amos that they would carry their idols with them into exile.
Along with discussing what He didn't want from His people, the Lord also stated what He did want them to do. In verse 24, the Lord says, "But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." God had no desire for sacrifices and ceremonies from people who had turned their backs on Him. He would not take delight in their feasts or rituals. That was gone. What the Lord did want was His people to live in justice and righteousness, to become an active and ever-existing source of His righteousness here on the earth.
Let these words from Amos be a reminder to us. God takes no delight in our church rituals. He does not care for our doctrines or scheduled revivals. What the Lord truly desires is people who will show forth His glory in the world.