Can I Go

Psalms 42 is an expressive work showing the agony of a man who desires to be present with God.  Not so much from the standpoint of in heaven, but rather, David’s desire was to be in the presence of God - “when can I go and meet with God?”.  The psalm begins with a metaphor - a deer panting of thirst in need of flowing streams of water. Symbolism of the absolute necessity we have for life sustaining elements.  This is the way David viewed his need of God’s presence in his own life. God was life giving, life sustaining and even life itself to David.

David was evidently going through a time of absence from God’s presence when he wrote Psalm 42.  Ridiculed and oppressed by his enemies, yet David continued to go back to God and the need to meet with God as the sustaining force through his many trials, even drawing on memories of “going to the house of God”.  

David’s need of God’s presence was not, and is not today, unique to him.  We all need to be present with God. Just as much as a thirsty deer pants for refreshing waters, believers need to experience the awesome presence of the Mighty One - regularly!  We need God in our lives. Some may suggest this is a weakness, needing an invisible entity - the unnecessary creation of our minds. If it be a weakness, let me be the weakest one of all.  For without God, my life is without purpose. Without God, the assaults of my enemy will overcome me and I will be undone. But, like David, “my hope is in God”. He is my Salvation and my God, and I will praise Him!

Psalm 42