One on One- The Thief and the Door

One comes to steal.  The other comes to open.  One comes to kill.  The other comes to reveal.  One comes to destroy.  The other comes to free!

The thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.  The main purpose of the thief to is steal that which has been received, whether as a gift or as an acknowledgement of a job well done.  The thief wishes to kill, to end the possessor of the gift.  The ultimate goal of the thief is to destroy, to completely remove any hope and any way for the possessor of the gift to obtain joy from the gift.

The door is come to be an opening in an impenetrable wall.  The main purpose of the door is to reveal, to allow for communion between one side and the other.  The ultimate goal of the door is to free, allowing for access to that which was not accessible before!

The thief comes through sin to steal from man his gift of relationship with his God.  The thief desires to kill man, to end life.  But the ultimate goal of the thief is found when a person who is lost and does not know God is killed.  Ultimate destruction comes when a person has lost all hope of being in communion with God.

The Door has come and He thwarts the ultimate goal of the thief.  Now the thief cannot steal from man unless man allows the thief to enter.  Now the thief does not win when man, knowing and receiving his Savior God, is killed.  Now the thief sees millions upon million upon billions of mankind being freed from the ultimate destruction so desired by the thief.

The Door has come.  He has opened and revealed to man the freedom that is found in knowing a loving God.  Jesus is the Door.

"I [Jesus] came that they [you] may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10