Living Sacrifice

Do I love Jesus enough to sacrifice myself?  Not in the death of my physical being, but as a living sacrifice - laying down of my life.

Do I love Jesus enough to live …

A life directed not by my own goals and ambitions but rather by His calling?

A life not motivated by self-interest but by the will of God?

A life governed by the truth of God’s Word rather than as the world dictates?

A life lived without grasping at personal glory and worldly fame but rather directing Glory to Him?

Do I love Jesus enough to rely on Him for my every step, to seek His direction and His plan?

Or is it possible that I love Him enough to give up all I have, but not quite enough to give up my control?

"Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)

This verse of course foreshadows the impending sacrificial death of Jesus Christ to save God’s creation from the curse of sin and death.  But Jesus knew also that it would be in life that His people would make the ultimate sacrifice to show forth God’s love.

After all, the greatest act of love that Jesus showed was not in death on the cross, but in submitting His will to the Father so that we might be saved.  Jesus laid down a life that none of us could even imagine, and in doing so He glorified the Father and bestowed on us the greatest act of love ever to be experienced.

Am I willing to now lay down my life for God, in love, so that Jesus may be glorified?

SacrificeScott ToalComment