Gauging Grace

How do we gauge the grace of God?

The level of grace that God pours out on the earth is not really something that we check or even consider.  The Bible states that God generously pours out His grace on us - His creation (John 1:16).  In fact, Romans 5:20 says “where sin increased under the law, God made His grace to abound even more.”

A gauge on the Grace of God in the earth would be likened unto the gauge in a car that registers the battery charge.  That battery gauge is right there with all the other gauges on the dashboard.  However, it is rarely checked.  The fuel gauge is likely to be checked daily and the oil gauge is checked often.  Even the water temperature gauge is checked sometimes.  But the battery charge gauge is seldom, if ever, checked - that is until there is no charge.

When the battery in your car goes bad and stops supplying a charge you know it.  Nothing turns on.  Lights won’t come on in the interior of the car.  The dashboard is black and even the other gauges will not move to read their respective levels.  When the battery in your car is dead, you are done.

So it is with the grace of God.  It has been a constant throughout man’s existence, always present, always in full force.  The Grace of God has kept us through every trial and prevented us from destroying ourselves.  We do not consider it being low or not covering us.  Like the battery charge in our cars, we just assume the grace is there.  No need to check the gauge.

But, and this is a big but, one day the car is not going to start.  One day the grace that God has so generously placed in the earth for the care of His creation will be removed.  The gauge is going to read zero and there will be trouble unmatched in all of human existence. The assuming will be over.  The questions and wondering will be ended, and man will know that it has been God’s grace all along that has sustained the world.

Unfortunately, by that time it will be too late for many.  Just like the motorist stranded on the roadside - the dark deserted roadside - the soul that refused to recognize God while His grace was made available will be without help when that grace is removed.