Forevermore Pleasures

Think about that time, that event, that thing, that personal experience that brings joy to your heart.  Think about that one time that was so pleasurable even the memory of it gives you a tremendous sense of fulfillment.  You want to experience it all over again.  I have many such experiences and you may too.  That is awesome!

The time I am thinking of right now was a particularly perfect summer afternoon in Bar Harbor, Maine.  My wife and I were with our three oldest children, whom at the time were all under the age of 10.  We wandered into the town park.  The sky was a beautifully brilliant blue with puffy clouds dancing their way across it - each one a little sign proclaiming a great day!  Our little family sprung into a spontaneous game of Freeze Tag - pitting Mom and Dad against a formidable team of little people.  We ran and tumbled, laughed and giggled, all the while oblivious to the other tourists walking about the town.  We seemed to forget that anyone else was around, even our fellow park visitors who must have been amused watching a sweaty, panting father running around trying to catch the last of his lovable little elves before another could be freed from their frozen state.  

That day was so unexpectedly joyful.  It brings back the most pleasurable memories.  I can even now remember the smell of the grass and the evergreens that lined the perfect grassy field that became our coliseum of Freeze Tag frolicking.  It was simply awesome.  We ended up in a pile in the middle of that field - completely out of breath and so entirely happy.

That’s my pleasurable memory.  Yours is different.  But hopefully you have one.  Think about it.  Remember all those fantastic aspects of it that made it so wonderful.  Now - think about that experience … Forevermore.  Forevermore!  In other words, not just a single moment in time, but the pleasures of that experience FOREVERMORE!  Think about that.  That is exactly what God possesses for His children.  In one of his Psalms (#16), David expresses this truth.  He says, “... in your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

It is extremely difficult for us, in our human state, in this world, to think in terms of pleasures forevermore.  With all the hardship that we must face here on earth, forevermore pleasure is dimmed to our view.  It is hard to think of a time of pleasure forever as we deal with life in a sinful and fallen world.  The aches and pains of age get in the way.  The bills encroach on our view.  The dealings with harm filled and hateful people block the forevermore pleasures from our sight.  But just because we cannot see them doesn’t mean they ain’t there.  God indeed has pleasures forevermore, and He intends to lavishly bestow them on His children.  He welcomes us to them.  They are here.  They are now, and they are permanent.

I may not be able to see it right now.  No matter how much I strain to see it from this world perspective I may not be able to catch a glimpse of it on this side of heaven.  But there is a forever bright blue sky, a forever green grassy field and a forever joyous game of Freeze Tag with my wonderful family waiting for me at the right hand of a forever loving and faithful God, my Father in heaven.  

Psalms 16:11