Are you dirty

The Sower is going to sow. The seed will be planted. The question is whether you are dirty? Are you the type of person that will receive the seed in good soil for growth and fruitfulness? 

The Sower is going to sow. 

Are you hard, not desiring truth? Will you allow a devil who wishes to destroy you to steal what the Lord has sowed in you? 

The Sower is going to sow.

Are you one who accepts the truth of the Word of God but will only take it so far? You're no "Jesus freak." You're not into that whole spiritual thing. So when life gets rough, you don't trust in the Lord but rather in your own foundation.

The Sower is going to sow.

Are you one who is chasing after all the world has to give? You have goals, a retirement plan, and a ladder to climb. There are riches galore out there, and everybody else is grabbing them. You're going to get yours too! When the seed of God's Word comes, there is a place for it right behind that new car you want. 


Are you downright dirty? All up in the dirt. When the seed of God's Word is sown, you prioritize it and make sure that it finds a place in your heart to grow fruit. 

The Sower is going to sow. Are you dirty?

Mark 4:1-20