These Men
"These men will be punished most severely." Mark 12:38-40
According to Mark's gospel, Jesus spoke these words. Of whom was He speaking? That statement may be fitting for murderers, rapists, tyrants, greedy business tycoons, or even diabolical dictators like Hilter, Stalin, Mao, etc. But those types of men were not the subject of Jesus' declaration. No, the "these men" Jesus was focused on were the "teachers of the law."
"Punished most severely" would indicate these men, out of all who have done bad things, are the ones who will receive the most significant punishment for their transgressions! They are on the equivalent of death row in eternity. Why? Why would Jesus proclaim such a severe judgment on these guys? According to the passage, the law teachers, at least those Jesus was describing, were (are) pompous, prideful, egotistical narcissists. They purposefully took (take) advantage of the weak and vulnerable for their own profit. In short, these men bastardized truth and sought self-aggrandizement at the cost of all around them.
It is a scary thing to be singled out as the most severely punishable group of people by the Son of God.
The teachers of the law were also referred to as "scribes ." In biblical times, scribes "had knowledge of the law and could draft legal documents. Every village had at least one scribe." Their sect within the religious hierarchy of their day opposed Jesus' teaching vehemently, and why wouldn't they? Jesus was the antithesis of everything they were, and the Messiah represented the greatest threat to their positions.
Let me state clearly, I do not revel in anyone's punishment, regardless of their transgression (or at least I try my best not to). Every one of us deserves the penalty for sin. If any of us escape that punishment, it is due solely to a loving and gracious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. But these scribes were (are) particularly dastardly individuals. Their positions gave them authority to promote Godliness, but instead, they used it to advance their own human agendas. They had the authority to speak the truth of God's commandments and draw people closer to their Creator. Instead, they declared their own theology and drove people far from their Heavenly Father.
Jesus' proclamation over the "teachers of the law" was not based on our earthy, human sense of justice. From our perspective, the harshest punishments should be reserved for those who destroy the body. But the scribes were (are) doing so much more than that. Jesus saw their transgressions for what they were (are) - destroying the spirit. False teachers, those who obtain a position of influence and use it for personal gain to the detriment of others, particularly in spirit, are assigned the "most" severe punishment. The punishment is so severe because these men were (are) driving people away from God, leading others to eternal damnation, all for their own gain. For an example of such leaders, look at Eli's sons and God's response to their actions.
To those doing such deeds today, I suggest you repent and begin again to proclaim the truth that Jesus gave us. Lead people to God the Father. However, suppose you are satisfied with your life the way it is and have no interest in trading your prominence for the truth. In that case, I suggest you enjoy your earthly gain. According to the Son of God, your eternal one will not be so enjoyable.