Shine On
At the end of the age righteousness will shine forth like the sun.
In the parable of the weeds Jesus explains that, at the end of the ages, all sin and everyone who does evil will be disposed of permanently. “The Son of Man [Jesus] will send out his angels and they will weed out of His kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (vs 41-42)
When this event occurs, according to Jesus, the righteous will “shine like the sun.” (vs 43) It appears that once sin is extinguished and righteousness is delivered out of the presence of those who do evil, there will be a transformation among those in which righteousness is found. This transformation will include a brilliant light. Whether it be a visible light or a shining of character is unclear. But what is certain is that these individuals, the righteous, will be distinctly different than when in the sinful and fallen world.
To be clear, the righteousness spoken of is not a new deposit or gifting of righteousness. It is the same righteousness that existed throughout all ages. In fact, it is the only righteousness that ever has or ever will exist. It is the righteousness of God, the Light of the world and of God's Kingdom. When sin and evil are removed from our presence, those who have held fast to the righteousness of God will be transformed to show forth His righteousness in brilliant glory!