With Him

So the verse says that ” … And the power of the Lord was with him to heal.” or “… and the power of the Lord was present to heal.”  

The him in the verse is Jesus.  The Lord referenced was God.  Jesus and God were one and the same - and separate.  Would it not be a given with Jesus that the power of the Lord to heal was present?

This verse indicates that at this time healing power was present or with Jesus. By deduction then it also states that there were times when the power to heal was not with Jesus. In human form Jesus dealt with the same dispensation matters that we deal with as human beings.  It is tough to imagine the Son of God in a position where he must rely upon the giving of power to heal.  But in every matter He was like us.  Jesus had to, and so must we, rely daily on the giving of power for the plan that God has for us.

A simple illustration is a child who can’t open a jar.  No matter the effort put into turning the top it will not open.  But when handed to the father, the top is spun off without effort (as long as the father wants the child to have the contents of the jar).

We can spend lifetimes trying to open jars that are not intended to be opened or trying to open jars for which we do not have the required strength.  Just as Jesus waited, and through prayer and submission, received the power, we too must learn to wait on the Lord.

Luke 5:17