The Making of One

The establishment of the Law created a division between Jew (the chosen) and Gentile (the stranger to the covenant).  But Jesus makes peace by abolishing the Law as ordinances and fulfilling the Law in his sacrifice.

By Him and in Him is created one man out of the two.  Jew and Gentile become child of God through Jesus. We are no longer strangers or aliens.

When you live with prejudice in your heart, you live under the Law.  When you accept division, you are accepting the guardianship of the Law over your life instead of the fatherhood of God (Galatians 3-4).

Say it with me - ”For I am His workmanship, created In Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand, that I should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10).  No Jew or Gentile, just child.