I will Trust in the Lord

Some trust in their strength; some trust in their weapons; some trust in their armies; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their knowledge; some trust in their books; some trust in their learning; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their money; some trust in their savings; some trust in their business; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their charity; some trust in their virtue; some trust in their good works; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their cities; some trust in their government; some trust in their nation; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their youth; some trust in their gray head; some trust in their experience; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their power; some trust in their fame; some trust in their name; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their family; some trust in their friends; some trust in their community; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their heritage; some trust in their upbringing; some trust in their lineage; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their religion; some trust in their ritual; some trust in their idols; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in the earth; some trust in the sky; some trust in the heavens; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in the physical; some trust in the spiritual; some trust in nothing; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their leaders; some trust in their warriors; some trust in the compromisers; I will trust in the Lord.

Some trust in their kingdoms; some trust in their fortunes; some trust in themselves; I will trust in the Lord.

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