I Heard You The First Time
When it comes to my prayers to God, it seems at times that I am like my own son asking over and over again the same question until he gets the inevitable, exasperated reply, “Ok! Ok! I heard you the first time!”
I wonder if God is amazed at my repeated, machine gunning of the same supplication that I repeated 5 minutes ago from the prayer I repeated last hour from the prayer that I offered 2 days ago and so on - ad infinitum. When will I get it? He heard me the first time.
The Word of God states emphatically that our Father in Heaven does indeed hear our requests. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ we are adopted and made children of God. As such we can be confident in our supplications to God. They do not fall on deaf ears. They are heard. The answer is therefore either on the way or has already been given. If you are waiting on the Lord, you can be assured that He heard you the first time.