God's Lemonade Stand

God has a lemonade stand.  I am pretty sure He must have one.  Otherwise, what would He do with all those lemons we create.  Of course, by lemons I am referring to mistakes. I know I have made no small amount in my years of living.  But God is not in the business of pointing fingers and putting neon markers over my failure.

Instead of highlighting my errors, God turns them into good.  The book of Romans (in the Bible) states that “For those who love God all things work together for good”.  Yes, all means all. That would be good and bad things.  

God turns my lemons into lemonade.  Why?

Because, my life is what He has to share with my fellow human beings on this earth and my life is the time available to share it.  If God is to be glorified in my life, He needs to turn some lemons into something good for others to share. I cannot live perfectly.  But God, in His infinite wisdom and power, works my imperfection perfectly to bring Him glory. He knows how to succeed through my failure.  He knows how to take my faults and turn them into everlasting strengths.

He turns my lemons into lemonade.  Then He distributes His hand pressed, refreshing drink of life to all those who wish to partake.  There is no limit to God’s goodness. There is no limit to His greatness. He is able to do so much more than we could ever imagine.  

Psalms 34:8