God Knew

Exodus 2:25 - God saw the people of Israel - and God knew.

In times of trouble, it is sometimes easy to forget that God knows. With heads down and the world's weight on our shoulders, it is often hard to remember that God knows. During these times, the greatest comfort comes in knowing that someone knows and, more importantly, that someone cares.

So let's go to our friends, the Israelites. Enslaved in Egypt and severely treated, with every Israelite male baby to be destroyed at the pharaoh's proclamation. The Jewish people were in the midst of the hardest of trials. Their bondage was predicated on their success as a people and the perceived threat they posed to the people they served.

Our verse says that God knew. In fact, the previous verses tell us that God saw their situation and heard their groaning. He was watching. He knew. But what did God know? Was it that God knew what they were going through? Was it that He knew their past and present and future? He indeed knew all these things and more. We know that God knows all things, but this reference to God's knowing is very specific. He knew His people. He knew His promises, the covenant He made with their fathers - Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He knew it was time.

The trials that you go through are not lost to God. The story of the Israelites in Egypt should give us hope that God knows even in the most terrible of times. He sees us, and He hears our groaning prayers. He is not deaf or indifferent to the plight of His people. God knows. Just as He knew it was time for His people, Israel, He also knows it is your time to be healed, delivered, and saved. We can be assured that we have a God that knows. He knows His promises, and He remembers us in our times of trials. God knows. He does not forget, and He will not leave us.

Thankfully we do not have to ask if God knows what we are going through. Thankfully we do not have to fear that we go through our pain alone, without a deliverer. In our darkest times, we know that we have a God who remembers us, a God who knew.