Fear This

What do we really fear? If you break down moments of fear they are most often associated with loss. We are afraid of loss. Loss of reputation, loss of possession, loss of health, loss of security and the list continues.

Of course the ultimate fear is associated with the loss of life. A review of top ten fears among humans consistently shows the fear of death, or the fear of loss of life, as being within the top 2 positions. The loss of life dominates our minds, controls our actions and to a great degree determines our plans. We choose to do things or not to do things based on the likelihood of loss of life. 

But, let’s look a little harder at this fear of loss of life to determine what we really fear:

First, what is life? Most consider life to be their existence on the earth, a time period between 80 and 100 years for those blessed enough to live a “full” life. This period of time, which dominates our mind, is that which is most precious to us and therefore would be considered the greatest of losses if it were shortened or taken away. 

That brings up our second consideration - what is loss? To lose something is to fail to keep it. We lose life by not continuing to have it. What we perceive as our most precious possession, our life or human existence, is lost by our inability to continue it.

With these 2 points in mind let’s look at our real fear again. We are afraid of the loss of life. We are afraid that we will not be able to continue our earthly existence. We are afraid that death will steal that which we cannot continue. 

Why do we fear the inevitable? Why do we fear that which will happen no matter our effort to keep it from happening? We will lose our earthly existence. It will come to pass. We will die and experience the loss of life that we fear. 

However, glory to God and thanks be to Him for His plan is sure and excellent. The loss of earthly life is by no means the loss of life that we anticipate it to be. Although we are consumed by our existence here in the world, it is not the total of life. God has granted an eternal life - a Forever Life. 

When compared to this Forever Life, our earthly existence is nothing more than a blip on an eternal screen. We are focused on that which we live in, mortal life, naturally. However, fear of the loss of this mortal life is irrational. You need not be afraid of losing something that is definitely going to be lost. The question is whether you will gain the eternal life offered to you. That is where the fear should be focused. 

To lose the Forever Life is to truly lose life itself. 

Another Question - once the Forever Life is obtained should we be afraid that it can be taken away? In other words can we loss the Forever Life? Check out Romans 8:31-39. There is no need to fear losing that which God Himself has secured and keeps.